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inclusion and advocate speaker and mindset coach - Tae Tae


Mindset Coach and Keynote Speaker

As an educator, I’m a mindset coach, counsellor, motivational cheerleader and parent all wrapped into one.

Not only do I teach the foundational skills we all need in life, but I support people to become well-rounded and resilient individuals.


Over the past 15 years, I’ve noticed a marked decline in the mental health of people in my world and the world around me.


This has motivated me to step outside my own comfort zone and share my experiences and outlook on life.

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But rest assured...
I’m not your typical motivational speaker. 


What do I know about resilience?

Life doesn’t always turn out the way you expect.

When I was five years old, I was in a car accident that took my Dad’s life – and my ability to walk. Doctors told my Mum I wouldn’t survive the night. 

But I defied the doctors’ expectations. Not only did I make it through that night, but I survived the next three months in a coma.

I didn’t go through that trauma to lead a boring life.


Instead, I’ve spent the past 35 years finding joy in unexpected places and living the most fulfilling life I can.

 What I do 

Being in a wheelchair doesn’t define me, but it does give me a unique perspective.

I share these life experiences in my work as a motivational speaker and mindset coach.


Through interactive presentations, team building and 1:1 sessions, I help others develop resilience, shift their mindset, and see the world in a different way. 


Speaker for Schools & Community Groups

Talks to empower, inspire and motivate young people. I can help you challenge your own limiting beliefs, and the voice inside that’s holding you back.


Speaker for Corporate

Keynote speaking for corporate teams about accessibility and inclusion. 


1:1 Mentoring 

Whatever you’re going through, I can help you develop a toolbox of practical strategies to challenge that inner critic and build resilience and confidence.

Resilience is a skill that can be learned

Resilience is an active choice we make, not an innate trait we’re born with.

Just like a muscle gets stronger with exercise, we can work on our resilience to build and strengthen it.


By developing practical strategies as part of a mental health toolkit, we’ll be better equipped to face adversity. And, with the right mindset in place, we can choose how we respond when life throws us curve balls.


If you “roll with it” (rather than fighting against challenges), you’ll eventually roll through the tough times even stronger than before.

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My gift to you

You know how sometimes crappy stuff in life happens and it hurts you to the core so much that you just don't think you can push through, or move forward?


If anyone knows what that feels like? It's me. So I created a free gift for you called the "Resilience Kick-In" - It's my default mindset tool for when I need my resilience to kick in, and I want to share this with you so you can tweak it, own it and add it to your mindset toolbox.


Add your details below and I'll roll it into your inbox. 


“Tae is a whirlwind of positive energy, with trademark grit, humour, and zest for life. She brings warmth, passion and an infectious energy to her speaking engagements, and students respond to her straight-shooting approach. She has an uncanny ability to captivate the whole room and keep them in fits of laughter. I’ve never seen our students so engaged.”

Melissa Blacklock - Educator, 2020

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